Welcome to the Season of Advent!
The ancient Church chose this time of year deliberately for the celebration of Christ’s Incarnation. To our ancient forebears in the faith, Creation itself crafted a space for learning gospel truth: even as the literal darkness grows, we are invited to prepare for the coming of the True Light of the World. The Scripture readings of Advent have been carefully selected by the Church to lead us through a journey of preparation. Over the 4 Sundays of this season, the Scriptures will invite us to Ready ourselves by means of Repentance as we await the promised Restoration of all things in the unending Reign of Christ. Ready, Repentance, Restoration and Reign are the themes we will press into as we prepare for and participate in Christ’s work of making all things new.
Advent 1 | Dec 3
“Becoming Ready”
Advent 2 | Dec 10
Advent 3 | Dec 17
“Awaiting the Restoration”
Advent 4 | Dec 24
“The Reign of Christ”
Midweek Daytime Eucharists
In addition to our usual 9:00 am Sunday morning services in Advent, we will offer services of Holy Eucharist on the Wednesdays of December 6th, 13th and 20th at noon. These are usually spoken and include a shorter devotional-style message.
Confession Available during Advent
“Confession: None must. All may. Some should.”
Fr. Steve will be available for you to make auricular confession from 8:30-8:45 on Sundays and from 11:45 to noon before Wednesdays Eucharists in the prayer room at the end of the hall.
Some Advent traditions, practices, and disciplines for going deeper into this holy season:
Pray Daily
Prayers from Bangor Abbey (a liturgy curated by Scott DeLong)
Online version: Daily Office 2019
Audio Version: The Trinity Mission
The Pray as You Go App
Reflect and Be Inspired using an Advent Devotional
Malcolm Guite’s Waiting on the Word
Tsh Oxenreider’s Shadow and Light: a Journey into Advent
Honest Advent by Scott Erikson
Watch for the Light or Love Came Down: Anglican Readings for Advent & Christmas
The Advent Project, a daily email that includes curated art, music & devotionals from Biola University
Engage the Whole Family
Download a simpler Advent Family Prayer Liturgy (the one with the beans and candles the Hoskins use!)
Set up a home nativity set
Read Christmas books together
Use an Advent Calendar
Celebrate St. Nicholas’ Feast Day on Dec. 6.
Set up a home advent wreath, or place a candle on the dinner table, singing a verse of O Come, O Come Emmanuel or another song or prayer together as you light it.