Thanks for your interest in serving!
Below you will find the Sunday morning ministries at Imago Dei. Some ministries currently have high need for volunteers, but you are welcome to explore or sign up for any of these ministries. Some ministries may have prerequisites such as a background check or an initial conversation with the ministry leader. All ministries provide some kind of training for their team members.
On Signup Sunday, you can sign up to learn more about a ministry and the leader will follow up with you, or in some cases such as reading, coffee, greeting, etc. you can commit to join the team immediately. Our goal is to schedule volunteers at most once a month.
Children’s Ministry
Ministry Vision:
To provide a safe and engaging worship experience that allows our young members to learn about the Father’s love, to come to know Jesus as their Lord, and provide them the space to hear from Him through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
1. Responsibilities/Expectations for Atrium Assistants
Become familiar with all safety protocols and complete a background check
Prepare for the Sunday you are helping by reviewing any material sent by the lead catechists
Arrive sufficiently early to prepare the Atrium and any materials and pray for the children’s time
Help catechists safely escort children to the atrium from the sanctuary and then back to the sanctuary
Possible further duties as discussed with Demelza and Nicole
2. Responsibilities/Expectations for Check-In Volunteers
Arrive by 8:30 to set up the check-in laptop.
Warmly greet families as they arrive, making sure the correct information is recorded in the system.
Remain at the check-in station for the first 15 minutes of the service to check in any late arrivals.
Sound Ministry
Ministry Vision:
To seek and worship the Heart of God through the creation of an environment of aesthetic sound allowing for each person to more fully encounter Him.
Pre-service: turning on equipment properly and setting up wireless microphones needed (8:15am)
Running a sound check pre-service as the worship team practices.
Observing the sound board during the service, adjusting levels and muting channels as needed.
Turning off equipment properly, recharging batteries, and putting microphones away post-service.
Assisting with non-Sunday morning services as available including: special holy day services, worship nights, and potential off-site services.
Helping clean up or reposition current sound setup if it needs to be moved for an FBC event
Altar Care/Setup
Ministry Vision:
To serve at Jesus’ Table, preparing with Him and the Holy Spirit a place of worship and encounter for His people.
Pre-service: arrive sufficiently early so as to set the table (including changing linens, setting out candles, preparing communion vessels with bread/wine, etc.) using a prepared checklist.
Post-service: clear the altar, wash vessels that contained wine, return items to the Sacristy.
Launder & iron linens as needed in coordination with the team leader
Check materials supply (candle oil levels, communion bread, wine supply, etc.)
Ministry Vision:
To embody our church’s vision of radical hospitality from the moment a visitor walks through the door, welcoming them, helping them navigate the building, and fostering additional meaningful connections.
Pre-service: arrive sufficiently early so as to be ready to greet visitors as they walk in the door.
As visitors arrive, greet them, make sure they have a printed liturgy, and a gift bag if appropriate. Show them the connect card but don’t insist they fill it out.
Anticipate their needs, so if they have children, walk them towards check-in, if it appears they are looking for a bathroom direct them on where to go.
During & after service: re-welcome them at the Passing of the Peace. Invite them downstairs after the service. Introduce them to other members if appropriate.
Prayer Ministry
Ministry Vision:
To bring people into the presence of God by listening to how He wants to love, restore and/or heal them. This includes anointing with oil, using holy water, praying and the laying on of hands, leading in prayers of repentance, and receiving and imparting prophetic words and pictures. We see prayer ministry as a fundamental expression of our deeply-rooted commitment to bless others with Radical Hospitality:
We first give ourselves regularly to the Father in personal prayer
We then purposefully listen to others as they come for prayer without any prejudices or barriers to relationships with them
We serve them by sharing the words the Holy Spirit speaks to us as we pray for them.
We witness the healings that begin and ultimately result in testimonies of God’s love and restoratio
To be available to minister on Sundays according to the schedule (two teams whenever possible)
Follow the pattern of: Listen, Love, Pray, using appropriate ministry guidelines.
Look to actively remove barriers others may have to receiving ministry—fear, misunderstanding, having to wait in line, etc.
Commit to the humble posture of a learner as we grow together in faith and competency as ministers.
Ministry Vision:
To make worship more accessible to the congregation, and especially to guests, by providing songs lyrics, liturgical cues, and other responses on the screen at the appropriate time.
Arrive at least 20 minutes before service begins to raise screen, turn on projector, and look over slides.
Project correct lyric, scripture, & liturgy slides at the right time (as much as possible).
Includes projection of 7-9 songs (including Gloria & Doxology) and Psalm responses.
Putting away laptop post-service.
Ministry Vision:
The task of a reader, or “Lector” is to speak God’s Word simply, clearly and without commentary, drawing attention to the text (and not the reader) in such a way that the Scriptures may “catch us” and thereby speak to our hearts directly – that the Ministry of the Word would be a weekly place of Encountering God.
This involves reading a responsive Psalm, and either an Old Testament or New Testament lesson. Occasionally when time is not an issue, an additional lesson is added.
Practicing reading the assigned text at least twice out loud prior to the service (unless serving as a last-minute substitute)
Being at the podium promptly after the opening worship/the Collect of the Day
Reading clearly at an appropriate pace.
Worship Ministry
Ministry Vision:
The worship ministry team at Imago Dei leads musical worship as part of the Sunday morning liturgy, worship and prayer services, and other events during the church year. Our desire is to lead the congregation in worship that is ancient and modern, beautiful and accessible, Spirit-led and spiritually forming, theologically rich and culturally relevant.
Kathryn Miller and Sarah Hoskins co-lead this team, curate our music, and plan services. We would love to welcome new choir members, hymn singers, instrumentalists, and worship vocalists.
Communicate your availability for a rotating schedule
Attend a rehearsal the week before you are scheduled
Practice at home as needed
Arrive at 8:15 am Sunday morning for a sound check
Ministry Vision:
To safely and gently shepherd our littlest family members here at Imago Dei.
We are looking for volunteers that feel called to pray for and be present to these little ones for the week leading up to their shift and for their time in the nursery on Sunday morning.
You may be assisted by a paid worker from outside the church while in the nursery while the primary leadership in the role will be up to you to provide.
Volunteers must follow all safety procedures of Imago Dei
Ministry Vision:
To help cultivate a space conducive to connection and hospitality by providing coffee (& other beverages) following the service.
Pre-service: ensure iced coffee is already made or alternatively, hot coffee is ready to brew. Put out cups, sugar, etc.
At the end of the service immediately put out the beverages on the coffee bar. Brew more coffee if needed.
After 11:00am begin putting away the supplies & cleaning up.
Help Scott monitor coffee supplies: cups, cream, coffee, etc.
Prayers of the People
Ministry Vision:
To lead God’s people in intercession for the Church and the world, curating with the Holy Spirit a litany of prayer for needs that are personal/urgent and global/ongoing, both collecting the quiet heart “prayers of the people” to the Lord through the simple bids to pray, and making space for spoken intercessions the whole congregation can agree with.
Before Sunday: prayerfully consider any relevant prayer needs related to the church and the world that would be approprite to add/”curate” for that week’s prayers.
Example: “That by his power war and famine may cease in all the world… we especially pray this week for food shortages thoughout the flooded regions of Pakistan. Provide for those who are hungry and destitute. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.”
Be in place at the podium ready to pray when the Nicene Creed ends.
Lead the Prayers of the People in a prayerful but clear voice so all may hear, making appropriate use of reflective pauses and silence.
Chalice Bearing
Ministry Vision:
To assist the priest in administering the chalice at Holy Communion.
To serve the people of God reverently according to Fr. Steve’s instruction.